Fat Loss Journey
Turbulence Training Day 19
Your fat loss journey is the take away theme in Turbulence Training Day 19. Home fitness workouts that'll burn fat and sculpt your body in 4 weeks. Welcome to day 19 of Turbulence Training's Buff Dudes and Hot Chicks fat burning workout.
Turbulence Training Day 19 Video
Fat Loss Journey - Get Your Turbulence Training Workouts Here
Today's Workout
Warm Up
1A) DB Reverse Lunge
1B) Stability Ball Jack-knife
2A) DB Romanian Deadlift
2B) Elevated Pushups
3A) DB Row
3B) Stability Ball Leg Curl
Bodyweight Intervals:
1) Bodyweight Squats
2) Pushups
3) Plank and Side Plank
4) Touchdown Lunges and Pushups
Cool down and stretching
Burn That Stubborn Fat And
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You'll discover how to burn fat and sculpt your body with only bodyweight exercises. Workout from the comfort of your home, and check that beach physique in super fast time.
=> Click here to achieve the body of your dreams (and take advantage of this great offer straight from Craig Ballantyne - the author of Turbulence Training)
P.S. These are the same workouts that I'm doing in the video above. You can see for yourself exactly how effective Turbulence Training workouts are. So, if you're not already doing so, you can track my progress the whole way by filling your Email and Name below:
P.P.S. Take ACTION today (because tomorrow never comes!), go straight to the Turbulence Training Bodyweight Fat Burning Package
Fat Loss Journey - Turbulence Training Day 19 Video Transcript
"Hey there I'm Asad from Better4Fitness.com, and today's day 19 of the Buff Dudes and Hot Chicks workout.
Hope you're doing well, I certainly am today - I've got my 'monkey business' t-shirt on, so that means I mean business =) and today was a business day with the workout (fat loss journey).
It was the best Friday yet, which is a really good feeling because I've been struggling with workout C, the Friday workouts. But I really smashed it up today, it was really good.
Having said that, the bodyweight intervals are still tough, they're never gonna be easy, so that's something to bear in mine when you do this workout. It's gonna be tough, but as long as you keep making progress and keep ploughing on and keep doing better than you did last week, then you'll see improvements and you'll feel more motivated to go on, and you'll feel much happier afterwards.
So stay tuned for today's workout, it's a good one today, I hope you enjoy it. And before I go, another shout-out to Rehan this time, he started the Buff Dudes workout and he's really enjoying it in his first week.
That's another person who's started their fat loss journey and you could be there too. Go to Better4Fitness.com and check out what I'm doing. Have a good weekend, I'll see you on Monday, take care."
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