Keep Fit - Stay Healthy - Be Happy
October 20, 2009
Issue #041
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3 "Rebel" Fat loss Tricks
Hi <>,
Are you a rebel? No seriously, I'm talking about the kind of person that LOVES to do the opposite of what everyone else is doing?
We're always taught that being a rebel in school is wrong and gets you into trouble. But being a rebel in real-life gets you results.
The only problem is that most of us are stuck in the rut of "going with the flow" and need a push to become a "rebel". Well here's a push from fitness author Jon Benson I think you'll enjoy:
You know what?
I like "weird."
I've always been a bit on the fringe side of the fence if you know what I mean.
A bit of a rebel.
So were guys like Einstein, Mozart, and Picasso. Not that I'm putting myself into their category of genius by any stretch... but I love their approach to life.
Makes sense to me. This life it too darn short for anything less than being bold.
That means taking some risks here and there. That means taking action while the others are content to sit on the couch being the same person they were yesterday.
And the day before...
And the month before...
And the year before.
Do you want to live your years like that? Or do you want to dive into life? Be the greatest "you" possible?
Then be a bit of a rebel.
Here's some "rebel tips" for fat loss I think you'll enjoy...
Flip The Food Pyramid Upside-down
The USDA's Food Pyramid is an utter joke. It's origins stink up the joint, let me tell you.
First, the grain industry was in a pinch when the Food Pyramid was created. And wouldn't you know it... the grain industry increased their "contributions" (read: bribes) to certain politicians to get placement atop the pyramid... or in this case at the very bottom. The "foundation" if you will.
Just think about this for a moment:
The USDA wants you to eat (gasp) MORE starch than vegetables? More bread than fruits, lean meats, and hormone-producing fats?
Are they NUTS??
Yes... they are nuts. (Which, by the way, are no where near the foundation... nuts, that is.)
You'd be better off flipping the sucker upside-down.
That would look like this:
40% of your cals from healthy fats 30% of your cals from protein 30% of your cals from carbs
Roughly, that is.
Sounds... rebellious, right? Well it is.
Too bad I have the science (and the abs) to back it up.
If you want a system laid out for you, then go here:
Every Other Day Diet System <-- click.
Cardio Is Not Smart-ee-o
At least the way the so-called "experts" want you to do it.
Look: This isn't rocket science. Just walk into any gym...take a look at the folks who only do cardio work for 45-60 minutes every day.
Do they look any different from year to year?
Let me save you some time: NO. They do not.
Cardio (unless you are into endurance sports) is a waste of energy done this way. First, it increases your carbohydrate cravings. For most people that's not a good thing. Why? Because cardio at this pace burns mostly SUGAR, not bodyfat.
What do you want to burn?
Exactly. Bodyfat.
Finally, cardio is no where near as efficient as resistance training at dissolving bodyfat... and certainly not even CLOSE to resistance training when it comes to shaping lean muscle and getting the look all these cardio bunnies are after.
Now, I 'do' have a rebel cardio trick... and it takes 9-15 minutes 2-3 times a week to perform.
That's it. And you get ALL the benefits heart-wise of long-session cardio.
Combine that with some brisk walking and my overall fitness plan and presto: No more bodyfat.
Here's what is cool: I put my new in-home version of this resistance-based workout online for a few days at a major discount... but it's only for people who pick up this:
Every Other Day Diet System <-- click.
This is completely illustrated with photos too... and you do not need anything but resistance bands and perhaps some cheap dumbbells to do this in-home. Or you can use the gym-based workouts (included with videos.)
Train like this just 3-5 days a week and you can kiss long, boring cardio goodbye.
Do Not Overwork Your Abs
Here's a mistake I see most people make in the gym: They do endless sets of crunches, leg raises, and (gasp again) sit-ups... all geared toward seeing those toned abs they want.
Guess what?
Waste of time.
In fact, it's worse than that... it can literally shut down your recovery ability. You'll slow your progress in the gym (or at home)... and your fat-burning too.
And you may give up your plan entirely because of it.
Here's the brutal truth: Ab 'muscles' are easy to build. It only takes about 3 minutes 2-3 times a week... that's it.
(Note: I included my "3 Minute Abs" in the fitness book I just told you about... it's only for those who get EODD though...)
The muscles are not what make your stomach flatter... it's the nutrition plan folks.
You're just building muscle underneath layers of bodyfat... not good.
I do very little direct ab training. When I do it's usually 3-5 minutes tops 2 days a week. And my abs are... well... good. : )
I rely on resistance training and my special "favorite foods dietplan" to get and stay lean.
More about it all here:
Every Other Day Diet System <-- click.
So be a rebel.
Thumb your nose at the establishment and step out on your own.
Trust me: You'll be a leader in every sense of the word if you do.
Every Other Day Diet System <-- click.
Your Friend and Motivator,
Asad T
Thoughts and Questions
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Keep Fit - Stay Healthy - Be Happy
Asad Tufail
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