Exercise Motivation
The Key to Your Fitness Goals

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They could be starting a new exercise regime, or a new healthy eating plan; they could be recovering from injury; they could be your exercise partner gone AWOL... as long as they need exercise motivation, they'll need your support.

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Or read on for your exercise motivation advice...

Exercise motivation is probably the single-most common reason we don't achieve our goals. Whether it be recovering from injury, losing weight or simply toning up a lil... that "I did it!" moment seems unreachable.

Well the truth is, it may well be unreachable without good exercise motivation. We've all heard (and used!) the age-old excuses. Check out these "Saint vs. Sinner" examples (sinner's excuses in red, saint's answers in blue):

"I don't have time!!!"
You can always find a way to make time.

"Exercise is boring."
Find an activity you enjoy doing, mix it up.

"The weather's too bad."
Wear the correct layered clothing or workout at home.

"I just can't do it."
Take small steps and you'll get there.

Are you a Saint or Sinner?

Each of those excuses is actually saying "I have no motivation to exercise". So... how do we get that exercise motivation?!

I'm not the first (or last) to say it's not easy. If it was easy, we wouldn't be making excuses! But here's the crucial bit, all of us can do it.

Believing that you can do it is the first, massive step towards actually doing it. That's true in any walk of life, not just exercise.

Close your eyes and visualise an image of yourself after achieving your goal, sense the feeling and emotion of how you'll look and feel.

Tell yourself that you will become that person. Whenever you stumble (there will be hurdles you don't clear the very first attempt), remember that feeling of the "new you", and keep going.

Here are 10 more tips to get that exercise motivation (remember small steps):

  1. Do an activity you enjoy! That's always been and always will be my fitness philosophy. No matter whether you're a pro athlete or casual cyclist, you won't last long if you don't enjoy it.
    Enjoyment is staying power.
  2. Your health. Whether your doc's told you to exercise or not, it'll catch up with you one day. Do you really want to miss seeing your grand-kids grow up? Do you really want to die a painful death? Do something about it now.
  3. Make it visual. Take a "before" photo and stick it where it'll catch your eye throughout the day. As you exercise, take pictures often and physically see the improvements.
  4. Set realistic goals. Having a specific target to aim for within a set time-period gives you focus and direction. You'll have a real sense of achievement when you hit that target. Make each goal realistic. Your long-term goal may be in the distance now, but by setting smaller goals step-by-step on the way, you'll get there faster.
  5. Get scribbling. There's no point setting goals if you don't write them down. Get into the habit of writing things down - how you feel after a workout (what was in the workout), what you've eaten (to keep track of calories), and most of all... why you're exercising. Get a pen and paper and do it now!
  6. Good morning exercise. Getting up and blasting out a workout straight away is the best way to get it done. I know if I "leave it till later", by the time "later" comes, I would've talked myself out of it, or got "too busy" with other things.
  7. Mix it up. Once you've found something you enjoy doing, don't just do the same workout day after day. You'll soon get sick of it. Change things everyday or every week, and give yourself new challenges.
  8. Treat yourself. When you reach a goal or maybe even at the end of each week where you've stuck to every workout, give yourself a reward. This will back-up that feeling of joy when you see yourself progressing.
  9. Imagine the new you, and how the new you is happier. Maybe the new you fits into that new dress, or maybe the new you is confident enough to whip out that bikini on holiday.
  10. Encourage others and tell them to encourage you. Exercise with a partner, join a team - it's amazing how the feeling of "I don't wanna disappoint them" motivates us.

Carrying on from that last point to encourage others, you can do just that by sending them an exercise motivation message. Simply fill out the form below.

Here are some inspirational exercise motivation quotes to get the juices flowing:

"A person too busy to take care of his health
is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools."

Unknown Proverb

"People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves
they have the first secret of success."

Norman Vincent Peale

"When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing,
then we truly live life."

Greg Anderson

"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try."

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal:
it is the courage to continue that counts."

Winston Churchill

"Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you're ready or not, put this plan into action."
Napoleon Hill

"You may never know what results come of your action,
but if you do nothing there will be no result."

Mahatma Gandhi

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Message to Send?

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Check Out Other
Motivational Messages

Click on the links below to see other exercise motivation messages. They were all submitted by visitors to this page..

Motivation For My Daughter 
Motivation for my daughter! This is the dress you WILL marry Michael in. You can do it, I know you can and I have all the faith in the World in you. …

Why We Feel Good After Exercise - It's Not Just Physical! 
I've always found that the toughest thing about going to the gym is getting off my backside. Once you're there you've got to do something. I've also found …

If You Don't Use It...You Will Lose It 
Your body is sore, tired and aching because you don't exercise. You will live longer if you exercise. EXERCISE IS THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH.

I believe in you!! 
Amy, I know you don't need motivation to exercise and eat well (that's me!) but I thought lots of these same motivational tips could easily be used …

Motivate Yourself 
"Never, never, never, never give up." (Winston Churchill)

All Things Are Possible for Those Who Believe Not rated yet
You need to believe that you can change and then go after it and you will be successful. It's all in the attitude you have towards yourself if you succeed …

Motivational Quote Not rated yet
"Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness." - Edward Stanley

Study to Study Not rated yet
Life is full of uncertainty, but God is for sure!

STICK TO THE PLAN! Not rated yet
Don't give in to the eating temptation! Drink some water, chew some gum, and this too shall pass!

We can do it! Not rated yet
"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try." Unknown Author

Click here to write your own.

Exercise motivation is the key to your fitness goals.

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